school photos

School Photos

I am trying really really hard to ignore all the 'Back-to-School' ads, catalogs, chatter, supply lists, and sales. I'm a devout lover of summer and want it to last forever.   Unfortunately if we wait until school starts to shop for class supplies the shelves are empty and the shops are pushing halloween costumes. So, with the inevitable first day of school looming in just a few weeks I also start to think about school photos. That inevitable packet of one-pose awkward mugshot pictures.  The ones that my mom still has hanging in the hallway of her home...highlighting the history of 70s and 80s hairstyles for your enjoyment.  I was sorting through one of my storage boxes last week labeled 'kids' school stuff' and found TWENTY-EIGHT unopened envelopes of school photos spanning the formative years to date of my own children's schooling.  Unopened, untouched.  Why?  Our school supply lists no longer have pee-chees or trapper keepers on them. They have Mac Books, wireless mouse, headphones, internet accounts, coding books.  With all the advances in photography and the surge in availability and creativity of visual arts isn't it time to rethink the school photo too?  I mean, why not? Wouldn't it make grandma's heart sing to have one of these personality-filled photographs instead of the awkward mugshot?  Wouldn't it make our kids much happier to see themselves 20 years from now as they truly were during the school years?

ReThink the school photo!

ReThink the School Photo  micro sessions -- $45 per child -- park location -- August 30th, September 8th or September 17th only.  Email me at to reserve a spot.